“A Decade of Impact: Thorsten Kaye’s Ridge Forrester and His Most Pivotal Scenes”

The actor celebrates 10 years on B&B.
Ridge Forrester and Brooke Logan met again for, in a way, what was the first time when Thorsten Kaye assumed the role of Eric and the late Stephanie’s son in 2013 on The Bold and the Beautiful. Here’s a look back at five big moments from the designer’s life over the past decade.
Thorsten Kaye: In Fashion As Ridge
Kaye inherited 25 years of history that he absorbed into his persona as Ridge drove up to the Forrester mansion in a sports car. He reconnected with Eric (John McCook) and reestablished their bond. That’s playing out in a big way today as Ridge is in charge of whether or not Eric gets a chance at life. Another big moment for Kaye’s Ridge was reuniting with Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang). Here’s a look at some others:
5. Shauna the Contender: Shauna (Denise Richards) came into Ridge’s orbit after her daughter Flo’s (Kristina Bowen) role in the kidnapping of Liam (Scott Clifton) and Hope’s (Annika Noelle) daughter, Beth, came to light. Ridge isn’t biologically tied to Beth, but for some reason, he was left with the decision as to whether or not Flo would be prosecuted. A grateful Shauna fell for Ridge, who chose mercy over revenge. Ridge and Shauna got married during a drunken weekend in Las Vegas. Alas, the union was fake — but Shauna’s feelings for Ridge (and perhaps his for her?) were real.
4. Swimming With Sharks: Ridge and media mogul Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) were at war over Brooke, who loved both men but in different ways. Tired of Ridge’s interference in his relationship with Brooke, Bill ordered Justin (Aaron D. Spears) to jolt Ridge out of a helicopter that sent Ridge tumbling into the sea. He recovered, but it took him a while to regain his ability to design.
3. Taylor Made: B&B reactivated the Brooke/Ridge/Taylor triangle, which drove story throughout the 1990s and into the 2000s, when Krista Allen assumed the role of Ridge’s first wife and mother to three of his kids. Ridge pledged his love to Taylor in Colorado, saying his feelings had nothing to do with his estrangement from Brooke. Alas, Ridge later came around to re-realizing that his Logan is his destiny.
2. The Re-Marrying Man: Ridge and Brooke have been wed many times, but their last ceremony, which took place (where else?) in the Forrester mansion living room, featured Kaye as the groom. He and Brooke professed their undying love to one another, surrounded by family and friends. As a surprise treat, the late Stephanie’s voice appeared via her portrait, which hung over the mantelplace.
1. Fathers and Sons: Kaye’s biggest story as Ridge is arguably his current one. He told Soap Hub earlier this year that this story was one that was going to bring many characters together. “[It”s] nice to see the two generations with similar conflicts,” Kaye said. “I enjoy that.”