“A Moment of Contemplation: B&B Recap Explores Eric’s Life Journey in Past, Present, and Future”

In The Bold and the Beautiful recap for October 26, 2023, Eric has to burst RJ’s balloon and insist that his wishes be honored.
Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights
In addition, Lauren is forced to steer a starstruck Esther hotelward, and Hope and Thomas get hot and heavy in a secondary office because…well, why not? Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.
B&B Recap: The Beginning Of The End
Amidst the hustle and bustle at the Forrester mansion, Donna (Jennifer Gareis) and RJ (Joshua Hoffman) notice Eric (John McCook) suffer a hand spasm. Nothing to worry about here, models! Just some preshow jitters. Surely you understand.
With that crisis adverted, Eric crowed that Ridge had better be worried. He’s going to go down tomorrow evening! He has to. There’s so much riding on Eric coming out on top. His legacy, his career, his life.
Wait, what? His life? What does he mean by that, demanded RJ. Had the doctor given him an update on his prognosis? Yes, yes, he had. And it was not good. “I’m dying,” confirmed Eric.
RJ grew hysterical, forcing Eric once again to comfort someone else over his own condition. Debate then ensued as to whether or not Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) should be apprised. Eric didn’t think so. Not yet, anyway. He wanted to see this showdown to its conclusion. Winner takes all. And he needed Donna and RJ’s support.
The duo, of course, agreed and joined Eric for a cuddle and a cry. Afterward, they acquiesced to his wish to be left alone for a moment. On his own, Eric flashed back to runway successes gone by and contemplated his ultimate fate.
The Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Stars In Her Eyes
Having given Lauren (Tracy Bregman) and Esther (Kate Linder) an extensive tour of Forrester Creations, Charlie (Dick Christie) returned them to the main lobby, the center of controlled chaos. Efficient, yes. Focused, yes. But ultimately, total mayhem.
While Esther gushed, Lauren asked for a meeting with Ridge. (Anything to put some distance between herself and moony Charlie and Esther.)
Ridge happily obliged his old friend and even turned on the charm for Esther to boot. What a swell guy. But no, Lauren, you’re not getting a sneak peek at any of his designs.
Before she could make a clean getaway, Lauren had to suffer through Charlie’s torrent of compliments and more gushing for Esther. Eyes on the prize, Ms. Valentine. You’re there to pick up a Forrester Creations original. NOT a security guard.