“A Breath of Fresh Air: Countess Von Frankfurt’s Commanding Role in B&B”

In The Bold and the Beautiful recap for October 27, 2023, Esther earned the ire of an honest-to-goodness countess. Had she learned nothing from Katherine “The Dutchess” Chancellor?
Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights
In addition, RJ betrayed Eric’s confidence, the fashion showdown commenced, and Eric’s illness caught up with him. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.
B&B Recap: Royal Rumble
While Eric (John McCook) fiddled backstage and Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) attended to problems in the chief executive officer’s office, the showroom began to fill up with gold ticket holders. These were the real cream of the crop…the movers and the shakers.
Amongst the luminaries was Genoa City’s own department store heiress Lauren Fenmore Baldwin (Tracey Bregman) — with guest Esther Valentine (Kate Linder) — French chanteuse Fanny Greyson (Elsa Esnoult), and, of course, Countess Von Frankfurt (Marie Osmond).
Esther ran afoul of the countess after both assuming she consumed hot dogs (THE NERVE!) and having mispronounced her name as Frankfurter. Who was that “simple creature,” and what on Earth was she doing at an elegant Forrester fashion show, Von Frankfurt asked Lauren. “The one and only Esther Valentine,” she replied.
As for Esther, she abandoned chatting with the muckety–muck and instead made merry with Charlie (Dick Christie). And boy, was he impressed with her mastery of the “double helix.” (And no, it’s not what you think. It’s a dusting term…apparently!)
The Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Loose Lips
One look at RJ (Joshua Hoffman), and Luna (Lisa Yamada) knew that he had something weighing on his mind — and it was heavier than just his grandfather’s poor health. In no time flat, RJ was confessing to her that Eric was dying. But no matter. Until then, he was going to live life to the fullest. And he was determined to win the fashion showdown.
B&B Recap: Getting The Show On The Road
With the start time of the showdown approaching, Katie (Heather Tom) appeared before the crowd to make introductions, sing praises, and explain how they intended to proceed.
Two models would appear before them, one sporting a gown designed by Eric, the other a Ridge Forrester original. The guests were to use the provided paper and pencil to choose between them. Not knowing whose design they were choosing would be part of the fun.
With that, the music swelled, and the face-off commenced. As the ladies strutted, Ridge moseyed backstage to rib Eric. Later, while on his lonesome, Eric was seized by yet another uncontrollable coughing fit.